Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Room 2

We have some cool things happening in Room 2. We have been applying our thinking skills in our reading programme. By using the thinking hats as tools to organise our thinking we are able to see the different ways we make connections to help understand what we are reading. It has resulted in some real Aha moments.

The parents of our readers that are not achieving at expectation came to a workshop, we shared the different ways we can connect with reading, how we can think about characters and plots when we read and listen to stories. There has been a huge feeling of success for these children and they are more engaged and excited about their reading.

The tadpoles have turned into froglets. We have been looking at our first wonderings and thinking about the different things we have learned along the way. It has been exciting to see the wonderings turn into "what we know nows".

I went to a fantastic writing course with Murray Gadd. He incorporated thinking into his writing programme and showed how important it is to give children experiences they can talk then write about. Came back with a list of exemplars of what children should be achieving and skills to be taught for different text types.

My big question at the moment is; when children have a real strength in creative thinking how do we make them feel as successful when using critical thinking?

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